Ultimate Deer Hunting Sim 2016 – Amjad Islam


Enough with routine deer hunting games? It’s time to try deer hunting with 4×4 drive in Ultimate Deer Hunting Sim 2016. Although hunting is itself a thrilling thing to do, but when it adds with drive an off-road vehicle, it adds spice to it. While playing this game, firstly you have to drive a vehicle in a jungle to reach to their prey and then shoot deer. This will ultimately test your sniper shooting skills. You will be given multiple tasks to kill the multiple targets. As you know deer is an animal which is bubbling with energy and excitement, it is not an easy task to catch him. This will be a serious challenge for player to chase her and hunt it down. So be ready, gather your wits and try this amazing 3D simulation game. It is a game for free for smart phone users.
Your tasks will be time bound in this game. You will be given a specific time to complete your missions. So, will driving your 4×4 offroad vehicle and hunting deer, keep time in your mind as well. As a player you have to be very careful from other animals preset in jungle. As a sniper, you have to target your desired animal from a specific distance so they can not harm you in any case. Take down predators before you become the prey. In short, this 3D sim will bring multiple challenges for you. Keep in mind that your prey should not escape from you. Hunt animals so real they nearly jump off the screen! Track down and bag the world’s most exotic and elusive game. Shot like a pro shooter, keep your hands steady, aim at a specific part of the target and kill him in one go.
This is a perfect environment for deer hunting. This is an amazing and addictive action pack game to take you to an ultimate adventure in the most realistic environment with trees, grass, outdoor, mountains etc. For FPS (First Person Sniper) game lovers, this is a tremendous game where you don’t have a squad and have to perform your duties all alone. The deer might be unaware of your presence so take your best shot to become the best huntsman of the jungle. Become the modern sniper of this era using best weaponry. Plan your hunt as if it is a secret assassin mission because this is what real hunters do!

*****Features of Ultimate Deer Hunting Sim 2016*****
• Smooth and attractive forest environment
• Shooting with 4×4 off-road drive
• Action packed missions in the jungle full of wild animals
• Full range of jungle animals to hunt including deers!
• REAL 3D Graphics and sounds
• Multiple weapons with quick change abilities
• Great Deer Hunting Experience

놀담 – kyung uk Lee


시간제 놀이 서비스, 놀이에 가치를 담다.
놀담은 시간제 대학생 놀이선생님 매칭 플랫폼 입니다.
원하는 시간, 원하는 지역, 원하는 날짜에 내 아이에게 맞는 다양한 대학생 놀이선생님을 만나보세요.

자신이 가능한 시간, 지역, 날짜에 맞춰 놀이를 함께 할 아이들의 큰형, 큰 언니가 되어주세요.

놀담은 아이들을 웃게 하자는 이유로 부터 그들에게 함께 놀아줄 큰 형, 큰 언니를 찾아주는 일을 하고 있습니다.
놀담이 생각하는 놀이란 아이들이 가장 즐거워하는 것, 아이들의 성장과 발달에 가장 중요한것, 그리고 우리의 뜻에 공감하는 대학생 형 누나들이 가장 잘 할 수 있는 것 입니다.

아이들이 삶 자체를 즐기고 누리도록 하는 것,
놀담이 생각하는 놀이의 역할입니다.

Forudesigns – 福建正域跨境电商有限公司


Forudesigns is an online marketplace for everyone to design his unique lifestyle. In Forudesigns, customizing or designing are available, you are also allowed to open a shop and sell goods online. Installing this app in your phone, registering an account or using your account of social media to log in, it is easy and convenient for you to start a business from now on. We believe that everyone is an artist in his life and everyone can design his own lifestyle. Come to join us.

English to Uzbek Translator – Ingliz tili o’zbek Tarjimon – info arata


In available offline Translation result History

This is the app to translate between English and Uzbek.

Function to read out

Function to clear texts

Function to copy texts

Function to save history

By pressing and holding History Button, you can delete.

By lightly touching History Button, you can re-translate.

We hope this will be of help to learners of English and Chinese.

Please use this for learning, business, travel and communication with friends abroad.

This app can read out the text of the translation result.

If there is anything unclear, please send email to us or write massages on Support Page.

Support Page

mavjud Foydalanuvchi bilan aloqa Tarjima natija tarixi

Bu ingliz va o’zbek o’rtasida tarjima qilish App.

Vazifasini o’qish

aniq matnlar uchun Function

matnlarni nusxa olish uchun Function

tarixini saqlab qolish uchun faoliyat

bosib va tarixi tugmasini ushlab, siz o’chirishingiz mumkin.

engil ta’sirli tarixi tugmasi bilan, siz qayta tarjima mumkin.

Biz bu ingliz va Xitoy o’quvchilarga yordam bo’ladi deb umid qilamiz.

chet elga do’stlaringiz bilan ta’lim, biznes, va muloqot qilish uchun bu foydalaning.

Ushbu dastur tarjima natijasida matnini o’qib mumkin.

noaniq narsa bor bo’lsa, bizga elektron pochta yuborish yoki qo’llab-quvvatlash Page moylar yozing.

Support sahifa

丝博会 – 北京万博展讯科技发展有限公司


中国国际丝绸博览会(SILK EXPO ) 暨中国国际女装展览会(MODECHINA)是中华人民共和国商务部和杭州市人民政府主办的全球唯一集 丝绸和女装的商贸平台,自 2000 年起,已经连续举办 16届,顺应”一带一路”国家发展战略,2016 年中国国际丝绸博览会暨中国国际女装展览会以 “丝博会重走丝绸之路” 为主题, 10 展联动, 走出国门, 全球布局。

中国国际丝绸博览会(SILK EXPO ) 是中华人民共和国商务部和杭州市人民政府主办的一个集丝绸产业链前端技术、设备、品牌企业、制造企业、关联产业及终端渠道资源融入的专业展会,一个更加优化的丝绸生态系统。



Veta – Veta Pvt Ltd


Veta is an endeavour to see a world free from vector-borne diseases, such as Malaria, Dengue and Zika, which impact billions of people across our planet. Veta provides a simple yet effective way to report and discover such incidents, with the hope that increasing alertness will mobilize individuals and communities to take preventive action against breeding habitats.

Veta offers a host of great features that you’ll love:
– Frequented Locations: Set locations that are used by you and your family. Veta will constantly monitor them for you.
– Set Protection Zone: Receive alerts when Veta’s community of users submit any case reports within your zone.
– On the Go: Always be vigilant. Search new areas you visit for a historic summary of reports by users.
– Submit Reports: Do your part to keep your community alert. Report an incident, and you could save a life.

So join us and start exploring! Trust us, it will take you less than a minute…