AlphaNeurobics: Meditation – Artur Karachurin


Your future is the result of your actions today. Believe in your strengths and capabilities. If you do this, you can create the reality in which you want to live. Take the first step with AlphaNeurobics and the whole Path will open to you.

Come out the winner from any life situation!


Earn more and forget about financial problems!

Be healthy, happy and give joy to others!

AlphaNeurobics – application for training entry and background stay in the alpha state according to the “Alpha” technique of Irina Belozerskaya, combining the best ancient practices, eternal wisdom and modern science. Fast, safe, efficient.

In the alpha state, internal reserves are turned on, the right decisions are made, genius is awakened and answers to complex questions are found.

A person in this state is as calm as possible, sure that he is in harmony with himself and objectively perceives the world around him, he will have the opportunity to reprogram his consciousness to achieve goals and turn dreams into reality.

Alpha state – all you need: Health, Recognition, Happiness, Calm, Love, Career, Money, Victory, Success.


+Simple and intuitive interface, nothing more.

+Easy navigation, minimum effort to deal with functions and settings.

+Updated content library – a set of audio and video meditations, settings and special techniques for all occasions. If you need to erase past negative memories and emotions, prepare for an important event, performance, take an exam, participate in competitions, interview, relieve stress, fatigue and much more, you will always find the necessary Support here.

+Favorite content can be added to Favorites – a personal collection. Create your content program for use that matches your goals, mood, and needs.

+You can set Reminders for Favorite content. The application will remind you of the date and time when you need to pay attention to yourself, ask for Support.

+”Feedback” directly from the application. Ask questions, leave feedback and suggestions.

+Great opportunity for private use anytime, anywhere, when needed.


Relaxation of the body and mind. In the alpha state, the mental process of the brain slows down, and consciousness clears up, the body relaxes and is released from tension.

The development of creative thinking and intuition. A unique state of consciousness, alpha rhythms increase creativity in work, in search of optimal and non-standard solutions.

Balancing emotions, maintaining calm. Alpha state determines steady mood and emotional stability. You will become calmer and more confident in yourself, will receive more pleasure from life.

Reduction of stress, anxiety, depression. Strengthening alpha waves of the brain contributes to a sharp decline in tension, feelings of fear and nervousness.

Steady “working” condition. In the alpha state, you get exactly as much stimulation as you need, feel balanced and understand that you are in that working mental state that is necessary.

Increased learning ability. Alpha state enhances your natural ability to perceive a huge amount of information. The mind becomes clearer, memory and attention improve, concentration increases.

Health and immune system promotion. The alpha state promotes self-healing and disease prevention. This is due to the fact that alpha waves reduce stress, which harms the immune system due to the release of excess harmful chemicals (cortisol, adrenaline).

Normalization and improvement of sleep quality. Relieving emotional tension and gaining peace of mind, you easily and quickly fall asleep, sleep soundly and get enough sleep, fully restore strength for a new day.

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