Study Bunny: Focus Timer – Justin Patrick Silang

~ What is Study Bunny?

1. Time your studying. Hit pause for rest or when you can’t stay focused for motivational advice!
2. Earn coins. Buy items or music in the store!
3. Be productive. Use optional tools like the To Do list, flashcards, and the customizable Study Tracker.

While the app may have optional reward ads and optional in-app purchases, we NEVER force ads or lock study tools as premium features. We just ask that you kindly rate/review so we can continue to improve the app and keep it free.

~ Is Study Bunny a pomodoro timer?

No. It is a timer to help you focus during study sessions. It has more flexibility because you can choose the length of your study session and pause for emergency breaks.

~ Does Study Bunny block other apps and notifications?

No. Study Bunny does not prevent you from using your phone because many students use their phones to supplement their studying. We follow a self-accountability model and recommend you pause your session when you get distracted.

~ Can the coin rate be increased?

Study Bunny is used by students at all levels – some study a little, some a lot. Our current rate reflects that balance. We vary our prices so that while some items are very affordable, most require more long term work. Due to demand, we have added an option to double coins after study sessions up to 15 bonus coins per day, in addition to the 5 free daily coins.

~ Why am I losing coins?

You lose coins if you are paused for too long, starting at 7 mins. The pause button is not a break timer, but a way to help you refocus and allow for a quick break in an emergency DURING your session, e.g. bathroom break, reply to a text or phone call, etc. If you need a break without penalty, please end your study session.

~ Why doesn’t my music and alarm sounds work when I turn my display off?

At this time, our game engine does not allow audio to play when the display is off. We encourage you to study with your bunny displayed. However, if your app is not displayed, you will receive a general phone notification/vibration as long as your phone volume settings are on.

~ Can we have more music?

Due to file size limitations, Study Bunny is not meant to replace one’s primary music player. While we may add music over time, the music store will not be updated as frequently as the general item store.

~ Is Study Bunny offline?

Yes. Except for the ads, which require an internet connection.

~ Can I save my progress and items if I get a new device?

Yes, but it is manual. Go to: Shopping Cart > Announcements Page. Locate the Save icon in the bottom right corner.

~ Where do I send my suggestions, questions and issues?

Email It may take up to one week to receive a response. Please do not solicit us for paid advertising opportunities.

App Sounds:
Analog Watch Alarm Sound by Daniel Simion
Pomodoro Ticking Sound by Kinoton

Trailer Music: Bensound

Music Store:

Forest Rain, City Thunder, Lapping Waves & Midnight Crickets (Ambient) by R.J. Stefanski

Peaceful Universe Mix by Andrew Ambient

Lo-fi Beats Mix by crwsox

Chill Bop Mix by Artifical.Music

Electronic Chill Mix by Neutrin05

Lo-fi Synth Mix by dosbomb.


Tropical House Mix by MBB