Shoppin Buddy – mohammed khan

We are ‘Shoppin Buddy’ were you are given the chance to make life easier for our NHS and Key Workers, during this time of need. Lets come together as a community, while the NHS are saving life’s and protecting ours, we should give back by offering our service to do their household essential shopping as they have no time.

With this App-
– [ ] NHS staff, key workers, people in isolation have the opportunity to find a buddy, who will do their essential shoppin for them. This will be someone close by.
– [ ] Sign up as a Buddy and make a change.
– [ ] Buddy’s get a notification if someone who ‘needs shoppin’ puts up a list in the area they live in.
– [ ] You can talk via our messenger service to arrange delivery/payments etc.

For any help enquiries please fill out form on the contact page.

Lets come together and make a change during the crisis we are currently in. We will show the NHS/Key Workers WE CARE.

Shoppin Buddy

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