QR Scanner‘ – Maarten Meijer

Scan QR Codes with ease. You can browse websites, view text, connect to hotspots within seconds or even create your own QR Codes with custom colors!

• Scan QR Codes via your camera.
• Scan QR Codes using resources, like images or even videos.
• Create your own Text, URL or Network hotspot QR Codes with custom colours!
• Browse any website from the scanned the QR Code.
• Read text from the scanned QR Code.
• Connect to any network hotspot from the scanned QR Code.
• Unlimited history, always being able to revisit the QR Code content whenever and wherever.

Expect in future updates support to view and create more QR Code types, like calendar events, contact, mail adress, phone adress, geographic location and more!

We take your suggestions and feedback very seriously.
Always feel free to contact us with an email send to feedback@zatech.nl
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