ProActive Budget – ProActive FinTech LLC


Budgeting Re-Invented

ProActive Budget combines both a phone budgeting app with a pre-paid spending card. Budgets, or categories, are created on the app which act like “mini bank accounts”. The card’s balance is always zero until a user selects a category. Once selected, that category’s funds move onto the card for spending. This method creates a perfect digital Envelope Method budgeting system with no overdrafts and acts just like cash envelopes.

No Pending transactions
No Guessing if you have enough money
No Overdrafts
No Guilt – budgeting as easy as spending

* REACTIVE – Trying to control your money after you’ve spent it is useless. It’s too late. The decision is in the past. Control only exists in the moment before the purchase.
* NOT REAL MONEY – Spreadsheets and tracking systems are just numbers on a page. But…you can always spend your Bank Balance and mess it all up.

With cash, to spend from a category, you have to open your wallet and select which category you’re going to pull from. ProActive works the same way with the App and Card system.
1. ENTER PIN – Quickly access your money via a 4 digit secure PIN just like an ATM
2. TAP CATEGORY – Choosing the category you wish to spend from is paramount to budgeting. Once you tap, money is then moved onto the card ready for spending.
3. SWIPE CARD – When a transaction comes through, it is immediately deducted from that category’s balance. The card is then De-Activated, keeping you safe.

* Zero Balance – Until you activate a category on the phone app the Default Card Balance is ZERO leaving thieves with a plastic card and no money. It’s that simple.
* Secure PIN – In addition to your phone’s own security, each App requires a four digit personal identification number (PIN) to login and activate categories.

* Get a “companion card” and share the system.
* Reward kids for chores or help pay for school. Get them their own cards and easily transfer money digitally to their cards.

Use anywhere VISA is accepted.

**Bugs, Feature Requests? email us at