PragerPedia – RedCurb Solutions


Instant access to facts, arguments and sources supporting American values.

The Pragerpedia mobile app includes instant access to thousands of facts and sources that support the principles of liberty and limited government. The app’s design is simple and intuitive, allowing users to quickly access facts on a wide variety of topics, and to share them instantly on social media. It also includes access to PragerU’s entire collection of over 150 videos.
While Pragerpedia is designed for anyone who wants access to pro-American talking points, it will be an especially valuable tool for young people and college students who are regularly engaged in debate with professors and fellow students on campus.
Based on PragerU’s well-known video content, the data on Pragerpedia takes the form of digital “fact cards,” which can be searched by topic or keyword. Pragerpedia gives you confidence in your arguments by providing access to thousands of verified, accurate facts and sources.
Once you find a fact you like, simply:

· Tap the card to flip it over, revealing sources and supporting arguments for the fact.
· Swipe left or right to move on to the next fact card.
· Swipe down to save it as a “favorite.”
· Press “Share” to share the fact with your followers on social media.