Find your new job with CrewLoft, by air-crew for air-crew.
Are you unemployed, looking for a new adventure or just curious? if so, then CrewLoft is the app for you.
It’s all FREE!!! No Subscriptions or in-app purchase.
The app works as a billboard where airlines and recruitment companies post their available vacancies for you to see.
If you find a job listing that interests you, then just click the link in the listing details and get direct to their application page instead of searching around the web for hours by yourself.
CrewLoft was created during the 2020 aviation crisis with the goal to be there for the aviation industry during the restart, and help streamline and simplify the process when seeking a new job.
Have a look at all available jobs in the list.
Search by specific company, aircraft type, continent etc.
Filter jobs by Captain, First Officer or Cabin Crew.
Follow companies that interest you.
Get notifications when they post a new job listing.
Job listings from the companies you follow will be shown in a separate list for an easier overview.
Job listings.
View the job listing in detail.
Have a look at the companies PDF about the job.
Click on the link to get direct to the application page for that job.
Your profile.
Tell everyone about who you are and upload a profile picture.
List your previous employers.
Upload your CV (Only visible for airlines and recruitment companies)
Airlines & Recruitment companies.
Great tool for your recruitment team.
Reach more people in your search for new employees.
Even if your company is not hiring at the moment you can still download the app and watch which other companies that are hiring at the moment and what they are offering.
Optimized for phones only.
By downloading this app you are approving our Privacy Policy, you find this policy on under the tab Privacy Policy at www.crewloft.com. If you have any questions, complaints or want to report something you can do so under the Contact Us tab direct in the app or on www.crewloft.com.