Is it possible to have your house always tidy with the minimum effort and time invested?
YES, Cozy Up will tell you what needs more attention, so that you do only what needs to be done, keep your home perfect by investing only the time you have.
· Unlimited areas, unlimited tasks, unlimited users, ALWAYS FREE.
· No login, no emails, very easy setup.
· Share and track tasks with others, check them when complete and it will be sent to the other user next time.
· Check tasks one by one or all at once by sliding your finger over the area.
· Very easy and intuitive to configure and customize the perfect task cleaning plan. It can adapt to almost any need.
· Involve the little ones in the house in cleaning routines.
· Cozy Up has a very colorful, fun and modern interface with over 160 memorable area avatars to help you quickly identify each zone.
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