CAPP FIJI – Darren Chand


Established under the COP23 Presidency in July 2017, the Climate Action Pacific Partnership (CAPP) is a coalition of Pacific government, community and business stakeholders from various thematic and cross-cutting areas, supported by regional and international partners. They are joined by their commitment to accelerate climate action in the Pacific and support international efforts to achieve the most ambitious of the warming goals and net zero emission target of the Paris Agreement.

Whilst the Partnership is largely made up of non-Party stakeholders, Parties have a strong presence as well, both at the policy and technical level. Since inception the CAPP has hosted 2 annual conferences, technical and working group meetings.

The CAPP serves to –

Create a platform to exchange ideas, technologies, innovations, experiences and challenges among various sectors and stakeholders and to initiate, implement and accelerate climate action in the Pacific
Strengthen partnerships and collaboration between governments and non-Party stakeholders, including the private sector, investors, civil society groups and sub-national agencies
Contribute to the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action
Provide inputs into the UNFCCC processes that raise Pacific issues and champion Pacific priorities

The CAPP has the following thematic areas –

Agriculture, forests and land use
Gender and climate justice
Climate financing
Low carbon development
Integrating disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and sustainable development
Decent work and just transition

The various organisations and sectors in the CAPP offer valuable experience, skills, knowledge and other resources from the above thematic areas.

The Partnership is organised under the umbrella of the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action, the UNFCCC framework for global climate action.