Brightport – Bjorn Morten Ursin-Holm


Brightport takes the burdon of managing “what to do” and when you should do it. For the first time you can have your business and private project all under one roof. On your phone and at your desktop you have access to your ongoing projects.

This app is ment to be used as an extension to the Brightport project tool.

– See all your meetings and all follow-ups you have from these meetings.
– Browse memebers and contact details of projects you are member of.
– Capture photos and connect to projects / tasks or meetings.
– Create tasks for your self or others.
– Track progress/outputs form meetings you have been into.

Transcend conventional project management and meetings

Brightport makes for fewer, shorter and better meetings giving you more time to be productive.

At the end of your work session save notes, files or tasks in your Brightport project space, and move on to the next project meeting ready to make decisions.

Create more value, be more valued, and be confident what you are doing is relevant and valuable