AsterQ – Shailesh Varma

Why do audiences love AsterQ quizzes?
Knowledge tests and quizzes ask a series of questions to users that let them assess how much they know on a certain subject. This is a much more fun and interesting way for your audience to engage with you, and plays to their curiosity – “I wonder how much I do know about that topic!”

What are some examples of how knowledge tests and quizzes are used?
AsterQ quizzes can be used as:
Best Practice
Knowledge Tests
Skill Set Tests
Simple Entertainment Quizzes
And More!

Why do marketers love AsterQ quizzes?
With knowledge tests and quizzes, you can gain insight into how much your audience knows on about a topic. You can then cater to their knowledge level with targeted content and personalized communication.

Where in the funnel should marketers use AsterQ quizzes?

AsterQ tend to work best at the top or middle of the funnel, as an easy entry point into a topic of interest. For example, at the top of the funnel, you could use a knowledge test to assess the user’s familiarity with your particular industry, while at the middle-of-the-funnel, you could test them on how to solve certain problems and provide them additional resources to expand their knowledge.

Why do marketers love AsterQ?
With knowledge AsterQ, you can gain insight into how much your audience knows on about a topic. You can then cater to their knowledge level with targeted content and personalized communication.