Until today it has been impossible to know the moisture levels inside walls, wood and concrete bridges, roofs, under floors, asphalt roads, around drains and pipes- without damaging the construction.
Health problems of moisture damage in buildings such as mold and corrosion of highway projects such as bridges and roads are large and entail huge costs to improve the poor environments. So far, it has often been necessary to tear the construction to measure the proper moisture due to lack of proper tools and incorrect measurements data. These have lead to poor decision making by facility managers and construction developers.
The passive radio frequency (RFID) technology of the smart sensors- requires no battery or maintenance- once embedded into your projects. For example, the environment inside the design can be controlled by placing the extremely thin, durable and wireless readable sensor- under the layer of waterproofing in a wet room where it is impossible to measure- without waiting for several months to tile-glue and seam to dry out, destroying the waterproofing layer or opening up the other side of the wall.
When Alegna Sense’s wireless embedded moisture / humidity sensors are placed where you want to measure the relative humidity, the inspections can be easily performed by anyone using Alegna Sense’s smart digital hygrometer (scanner) connected to your iPhone and this app. In addition to uploading humidity data from the scanner, the app allows uploading of floor plans, pictures and drawings as to the location where the smart sensors were placed.
Measurements and trends of moisture sensors placed inside building materials can be monitored, as needed, to minimize risks. Set up and collected data of projects, e.g. inspectors’ name, drawings of installed sensors, inspection dates, times and more are stored in Alegna Sense™ secure Cloud Service.
Alegna Sense™ Solution allows organizations to monitor the moisture inside the construction during the warranty period by easily inspecting periodically- to catch issues before they become a problem. Mitigating the risks by obtaining accurate and in real-time data allows for proactive management and making correct decisions as to whether renovate or not – Without Destructive Sampling!