西游卡牌-梦幻的回合制挂机手游 – Ruorong Wang

The classic gameplay of the traditional Westward card turn-based game. Multi-faceted for you to follow the line, Elf development, gangs to create, add skills, heart calls, and other characteristics of gameplay, all can make you satisfied.
Based on the classic gameplay, “Journey to the West” has done a lot of innovative design, and added a copy of the level, floating market trading, and other innovative systems. This is a very attractive West tour card turn-based game. Bring your little buddies to play and start your Journey to Westbound turn card game!
Game Features:

1 luxurious lineup, wanton collection
A number of heroes from the westward tour card will accompany you on the Westbound card turn-based game, forge essence and spirits, and build your lineup of westward tour mythology stars!
2 Diverse copies, full output
Basic copy, elite copy, team copy, daily copy, four domineering West tour card system copy, up to hundreds of chapters by you to break, waiting for you to play, waiting for you to experience! All the props are dropped. Easily collect 0 spending per round!
3 cool crit, full screen spike
Skills effects cool card game! Each hero accompanies you to the world of the West, the most powerful West tour card turn-based game, full-screen sweep, with super cool fighting, give you the ultimate smooth cool experience!
4 most 6 benefits, industry conscience
Multiple heroes or wizards can be summoned for free every day. Daguai will also get various items to help you to play without pressure in the turn-based game of “Journey to the West”.