Generally, the color used when projecting with a light source is a primary color system belonging to the “overlay type”. The system consists of three primary colors, red, green and blue, also known as “three primary colors.” Other colors can be produced using these three primary colors. For example, red and green produce yellow or orange, green and blue produce cyan, and blue and red produce purple or magenta.
The subtractive primary color is also known as the subtractive primary color. Generally, the color used when coloring with a reflective light source or pigment is a “subtractive” primary color system. The system contains three primary colors of yellow, cyan, and magenta, For example, a mixture of yellow and cyan can produce green, a mixture of yellow and magenta can produce red, and a mixture of magenta and cyan can produce blue.
In this game, users can avoid laser scanning by touching the primary color ball to change their color. This helps you understand the basic three colors, and the generation of colors.