The choices you make now affect your money after graduation. Relm is a banking app that keeps you on track through your four, five… or six college years. See your transactions in real time, pinpoint places you’re losing or wasting money, and plan for saving and future expenses.
***A smart debit card***
Relm understands your money so you avoid the traps other college students make.
***No hidden fees***
Zilch. A card thats safe to use without worrying about overdrafting.
***Powered by Mastercard***
Get the perks and security of Mastercard, on or off campus.
***Connect to your campus***
Relm is exclusive to your campus. Browse the best advice and tips that others have shared.
***Learn about life outside the classroom***
You can ask your Relm questions anonymously and get answers from hundreds of other students. Find out where’s the best place to study… or to brunch.
***Download the Relm app for early access***
Start earning $$ answering questions and referring your friends.