Let Me – Funk-iSoft


You’re the kind of person who is knowledgeable on a number of given subject. So Knowledgable in fact that people often use you as their first resource for asking questions. Because you’re not a robot (are you?) with limitless, instantly recalled memory you take half a moment to use your favorite search engine to find the answer and in turn relay the information you found to the original inquirer.

Wouldn’t it be great if there were some way to automate this process and reduce the effort you have to exert being in the middle?

Of course it would, thats why www.lmgtfy.com exists. LMGTFY (Let Me Google That For You) demonstrates how easy it would have been for the person to have just searched for the thing they wanted to know instead of bothering you.

Now you can make this even easier by generating the LMGTFY link directly in iMessage with the Let Me app.

Generate LMGTFY Links directly in iMessage
Chose to use Google or Bing

Powered by LMGTFY.

“Let Me” is not endorsed by, sponsored by, or affiliated with Google, Bing, or LMGTFY.