mydefibri – Defibrilatoren – econsor mobile GmbH


Mit unserer kostenlosen App bieten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit, lebensrettende Defis ( AED ) zu suchen, zu finden und zu melden.
In Sekundenschnelle wird Ihnen der nächstgelegene Defibrillator angezeigt.

Somit wird Ihnen bei einem Notfall das Auffinden eines Defibrillators erheblich erleichtert und die Möglichkeit zur schnelleren Erstversorgung gewährleistet.

Mit Ihrer Mithilfe wollen wir kontinuierlich die Standorte dieser Geräte vervollständigen und aufzeigen.

AppServe – Ontotech Software Consult


Do you want to eat from you favourite restaurant, but is too crowded? You have a meeting in half an hour and can’t afford to spend precious time? We value your time and want to make your lunch a relaxing and joyful experience.
Appserve allows you to never get in the crowd again. In 4 easy steps you have your delicious food.
1. Choose your favorite location from the map
2. Tell us what you’d like to try today from the menu
3. Pay when you come to pick your meal
4. As soon as you’re here, food is served to you in a tasty package.
Before choosing your meal, you can scroll through the menus of all the locations. Also, you can add your favorites for easier search.
With a personal account we can estimate how much will it take for you to pick up your meal.



Get social. Connect with others who are moving to your new area, looking for a new job, learning new skills, or all of the above. Hear tips from IMPACT Group’s expert career & transition coaches, and provide insight from your experiences.

• Easily find people who are in similar locations with similar interests – all over the globe! Whether you’ve just moved or you’re an ambassador for your community, you’ve got a place here.
• Connect with others in a closed, secure environment.
• Join groups to receive advice and share insights people who have similar goals or are in similar life transitions.

航理代驾 – daiqiang Zou


ν 航理代驾代驾-专业的代驾服务平台,提供专业的酒后代驾、商务代驾、旅游代驾、疲劳代驾、婚庆代驾;专业的代驾服务为您提供安全、舒适、便捷的代驾服务,连人带车一并将您送回家;

ν 航理代驾代驾实现智能计费,明良消费,公平计价;实现就近原则派单,下单后,实现快速接单,快速响应,无需您等待多久,服务人员安全就将您和您的爱车安全、舒心的送回家。

ν 优质服务,安全到家,航理代驾代驾为您的安全护航,珍惜生命、热爱生活,让安全伴随您我左右;
λ 温馨提示:

υ 在后台继续使用GPS会减少电池使用时间



Glasgow Bartenders Club App connects the right people to the right jobs in Glasgow bars, faces, shops and restaurants

For Jobseekers

Finding the right job can be a lottery. Hiire’s mobile app uses a sophisticated ranking to work out which vacancies best fit your skills and ambition and makes applying easy. It is completely FREE.

For Employers

This app uses sophisticated ranking to work out which job seekers are the best match to your vacancy. This means you be able to see the best candiadtes much quicker.