Word Church 2.0 – Ashburn, VA – Nextmeta, Inc


he Word Church was the result of the vision of two Pastors, Rev. Dr. Randy M. Haynes and Pastor Tony Ray Smith, with two separate and distinct churches to do more together for the Kingdom of God. Open the Book Ministries and The Empowerment Church first joined in partnership by sharing a worship location beginning in November of 2015. Upon the announcement of Rev. Dr. Haynes’ retirement, a prayerful decision was made to merge both churches and to hold one worship service starting in March 2016 with the anticipation of a new ministry commencing in January 2017. Relationships grew and God was truly glorified as OTB/TEC became one body during those nine months of worship and fellowship.

On January 8, 2017, The Word Church launched with over 100 members joining under the leadership of Pastor Tony Ray Smith as Senior Pastor, Pastor Cory J. Lanier as Executive Pastor, and Rev. Dr. Randy M. Haynes as Overseer. The Word Church desires to be a church that is unconventional and non-traditional. We are not your grandmother’s church! The Word Church strives to develop active believers and to equip God’s people to lead Kingdom driven lives.

JUMP Life – Jump Holdings Inc


JUMP is the artificially intelligent platform that can help you turn your ultimate aspirations into actions while becoming the very best version of yourself. At JUMP, we will provide the support, guidance and empowerment necessary to help you forge ahead along your path, while building the confidence to JUMP and take what you want in life.

With JUMP, you’ll:

• Discover how your passions and aspirations align through an intelligent system that supports, mentors, inspires and holds you accountable via friendly conversation.
• Recreate yourself within your JUMP DNA by uncovering your unique personality traits, learning styles, career interests and aptitudes.
• Receive individualized support from the JUMP Assistant, who will use sophisticated learning algorithms and data science to provide the very best resources and connections for your specific journey.
• Thrive in an environment of unfiltered authenticity, where you are encouraged to reveal your true self to recognize your boundless capacity.
• Connect with peers (JUMPMATES) who will take progressive action with you through purpose-driven projects and initiatives.
• Push past any self-imposed boundaries and cultural misconceptions that you are, in any way, lacking… and recognize that you are, in fact, limitless.

케이뱅크(K bank) – 24시간 은행, 인터넷뱅킹 – 케이뱅크


모바일로 만나는 1금융권 은행, 케이뱅크(Kbank)
24시간 365일 계좌개설∙상품가입∙금융상담 모두 가능합니다.
전국 GS25 편의점 입출금 수수료 무료 혜택도 누려보세요!
(고객센터 1522-1000 / 영업시간 00:00 ~ 24:00)

[케이뱅크, 은행의 새로운 상식을 엽니다]
■ 믿음직한 1금융권 은행
24년만에 은행업 인가를 받은 ‘1금융권 은행’ 입니다.
ICTㆍ금융ㆍ유통업계를 선도하는 튼튼한 주주사들이
금융혁신을 함께 합니다. (KT, 우리은행, NH투자증권, GS 등)

■ 혜택이 좋은 은행
영업점을 없애고 비용을 아껴 혜택으로 돌려드립니다.
① 경쟁력 있는 금리
② 전국 GS25 편의점 입출금 수수료 무료
③ 당행/타행 이체수수료 무료

■ 24시간 365일 열린 은행
24시간 문닫지 않습니다.
약 10분 계좌개설부터 예∙적금 가입, 대출상담/승인까지
궁금한 점은 24시간 안내해 드립니다.

■ 고객의 눈높이에 맞춘 은행
어려운 표현, 복잡한 기능은 걷어내고
쉬운 설명과 꼭 필요한 기능만 간결하게 담았습니다.
① 지문 로그인/이체
② 휴대폰 OTP (별도 OTP기기 필요無)
③ 하나의 앱으로 은행거래, 카드, 간편송금

※ 유의사항
ㅇ 회원가입(계좌개설)은 은행영업점 방문 없이 케이뱅크 앱을 통해 가능합니다.
– 가입 시 주민등록증 또는 운전면허증을 꼭 준비해주세요.
– 회원가입 완료 후 입출금계좌와 체크카드를 동시에 발급받을 수 있습니다.

ㅇ 케이뱅크 앱은 안전합니다.
– 안전하고 편리한 금융서비스를 위해 등록한 하나의 앱에서만 이용 가능
– 위변조 방지 시스템, 보안키보드, 암호화 적용 등 최신 보안을 적용하여 안전한 금융거래 환경 제공
– 보안카드를 대체하는 휴대폰 OTP를 통해 안전하고 편리한 서비스를 제공
– 안전한 금융거래를 위해 ‘루팅’ 단말기에서 서비스 이용 제한

ㅇ 와이파이, 3G/LTE 등 모든 무선 네트워크 환경에서 서비스 이용이 가능합니다. 단, 모바일데이터망에 접속하여 이용시 데이터통신요금이 부과될 수 있습니다.

ㅇ ATM/CD기 입출금ㆍ이체 수수료 및 뱅킹 이체 수수료는 은행정책에 따라 변경될 수 있으며 수수료 변경 시, 시행 1개월 전에 당행 홈페이지, 앱, 이메일을 통해 안내드립니다.

(고객센터 은행 1522-1000, 카드 1522-1155)

※ 케이뱅크 앱 이용을 위한 권한 및 이용 목적 안내
ㅇ 카메라(필수) : 비대면실명인증시 신분증 촬영 및 필수 서류 제출
ㅇ 연락처(선택) : 기기에 저장된 주소록의 연락처로 퀵송금 서비스
ㅇ 사진앨범(선택) : 프로필 사진 등록
* 선택적 접근 권한은 동의하지 않아도 이용 가능합니다.

Real Escape 111 – Haunted House – qiang cai


This is a real escape.

How can you escape from it?

Try to unfold the story and mysteriouse behind the rooms.

Tap on the arrows to navigate the room.Interact with objects by tapping.Select found items in your inventory and tap somewhere on screen to use them.

Be careful,or you will get lost in here!

+ Free
+ Hidden object
+ Full of challenge
+ Classic Escape

MyCigna HK – Cigna Worldwide Life Insurance Company Limited & Cigna Worldwide General Insurance Company Limited


MyCigna App Description

The MyCigna mobile app is designed for customers of Cigna Worldwide Life Insurance Company Limited & Cigna Worldwide General Insurance Company Limited in Hong Kong.

The MyCigna mobile app gives you fast, easy access to your policy while on the go. From your mobile device, you can:

– View and manage your policy
– Submit claims and check the status of pending claims
– Browse and purchase new policies for you and your family
– Find health care professionals and facilities
– Message Cigna through Live Chat with questions or concerns