Blindfold 3-D Tic Tac Toe – Kid Friendly Software, Inc


Blindfold 3-D Tic Tac Toe is a fully accessible puzzle, for both sighted and visually impaired people, designed for rapid audio play.

This game was suggested by a teacher for visually impaired students who noticed that blind people do far better at mental 3-D tic tac toe than do sighted people.

3D Tic Tac Toe, is an abstract strategy board game for two players. It is similar in concept to traditional tic-tac-toe but is played on 3 levels: top, middle and bottom. The objective of the game is to be the first player to form a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line of three checkers on one level, or across three levels.

The game comes with coins; you need one coin to play. More coins are available as an in-app upgrade.

Unimotos Car – Unimotos Car Associação Mineira de Benefícios


O Aplicativo da Unimotos.CAR oferece diversas funcionalidades desenvolvidas especialmente para facilitar a vida do Associado.
O aplicativo permite que o Associado faça diversas solicitações e serviços instantâneos, como:

Indicar um amigo;
Solicitar uma cotação;
Conheça a Unimotos.CAR;
Ficar por dentro das Vantagens e benefícios;
Receber notícias de última hora;
Encontrar a base mais próxima;

Emitir 2ª via de boleto;
Conhecer e avaliar as oficinas credenciadas;
Acionar assistência 24h;
Comunicar FURTO/ROUBO.

Para começar a usar o aplicativo é só fazer o download gratuito, utilizar seu CPF e senha fornecida pela Unimotos.CAR.

Você já está pronto para aproveitar essas e outras vantagens.
Sinta-se a vontade em tirar dúvidas ou sugerir melhorias em nosso aplicativo.

Tank Atomic Deluxe – Dat Do


The tank moves only left and right and tank weapon consist of:

Main weapon is a TURRET GUN, can be aimed in a 180 degree span.
HOMING MISSILE: can find and destroy enemy.
MEGA LASER: appear on 30 seconds (10 seconds active) when collect 4 crater from enemy and can destroy all enemy.
NUKE which can destroy enemies off the screen

Mission Mode:

A total of 19 levels/missions along with two game modes (mission and survival).
In mission mode, one must blast through countless enemies and defeat a boss at the end.

Survival mode:
One survives through never-ending waves of enemies until the tank is destroyed.

Game Play:
· Control Atomic Tank move to left or right via left joy stick control and shot via right joy stick control.
· Nuke: touch on nuke icon on top-left of the screen