Alfie : AI Selfie Editor – AppTsar


Take an image of yourself. Press a button.
Adjust. Look good. Almost automatically.

Alfie has been created to help all of us, who aren’t great photographers or photo models. Take a look at how professional fashion photos are being made. Before each session, a photographer builds an elaborate set containing multiple lights. The goal of this process is to create the perfect play of lights and shadows. It also requires experience on hand of the photographer. For each take during the shoot, tens of photos are being made. Only the best of those are being selected for the next phase.
The post-production involves another experienced character – the photo editor. The editor edits the photos by creating and blending additional layers of images. Imagine creating a painting covering the original photo. Each layer fixing some imperfections. This whole process might take up to 6 – 8 hours in case of a single magazine cover.

Alfie’s AI takes care of most of the above in a few seconds. Try it – it’s FREE.

Selected Features:

The result of making a selfie often looks worse compared, to what you’re seeing in the mirror. This is being caused by your phone’s optics and the distance you’re holding your device from your face. While making selfies with Alfie, the app detects 68 key features on your face. Those features are being used to modify the geometry of your face to eliminate possible distortions.

Another great feature of the geometry modification is that it makes your face look more attractive. Being attractive is often subjective. Alfie is making his judgment based on scientific research performed by the German University of Regensburg – as well as your own subjective choice.

Automatic skin and light correction. Just like an experienced photo editor, Alfie creates and blends multiple layers of images. Unlike other automatic skin correction tools – it tries not to overdo this part of the retouching process. It keeps the skin looking realistic. This was a key focal point while introducing this feature.

Ability to adjust. Alfie is only a machine. As a user you’re able to perform additional adjustments before sharing your photo on Instagram and other media.

Community – By following our Instagram account at – – you’d be able to vote on new features and receive posts containing tutorials.

If you want to learn more about Alfie – Just try it.