The simple checklist.
It’s been around for ages. Technology is at the intersection of so many ground-breaking technologies, from the cloud, to mobile, to voice assistants, to computers on our wrist. MiraCheck combines all of these innovations to unleash the potential of such a simple concept.
MiraCheck CoPilot is the mobile app where you interact with checklist procedures. Digital assistants are becoming commonplace, and MiraCheck CoPilot embraces this trend. It utilizes voice (Mira) to try to combat the complacency that can occur when you check the same items over and over. It was designed to take you through the content in the most efficient way possible. It also provides a framework for much richer checklist content. Items can be textual content, URL links, images and videos. More detailed rich content can also be associated with each item.
MiraCheck Cloud is where you discover, create, edit and share checklist procedures.
MiraCheck Cloud aims to be a central hub for the community to share their expertise in any subject. It has robust editing tools as well as a powerful search engine to easily discover checklist procedures.
The ultimate goal of a tool like MiraCheck is to reduce human-error and enable people on new procedures in the most efficient way possible.
MiraCheck is centered around a repeatable process that you want to make sure you adhere to. The ultimate example, and where MiraCheck was born is in aviation where it is imperative that a pilot and co-pilot follow a strict set of procedures to reduce human-error. MiraCheck aims to bring the benefits that aviators have utilized for years to the masses.
The ultimate vision is learning checklists. When you are initially learning a new procedure there is a lot of detail and it walks you through the process in a very methodical way. Basically, it can act as a performance support tool for real-time on-the-job training. As you gain more experience, then the checklist acts more as an accountability tool and as a tool to reduce mistakes. Think of how a student pilot progresses to a professional pilot and the transitions along the way.
For this reason, checklist content for procedures should constantly be improved, and there are many features around this premise. Every time you interact with a checklist a session is created and historical record of all actions. This history can help you identify the flaws in procedures to improve them for the future. This history can also act as an accountability mechanism.
And just like checklist content should be constantly improved, we want to improve the experience as well. So give MiraCheck a try and share your thoughts with us.