ATSU – Mehmet Tufan

ATSU gets the latest weather information and simplifies it for your own use.
It is a lightweight, simple aviation tool which includes 
1- PART A suggestions,
a- Short Runway, Narrow Runway detection
b- Calculates Maximum & Minimum Cross wind values for each runway according to TAF & lets you know on briefing section.
c- Detects weather phenomena
d- Inbuilt “threat” functionality for situational awareness and many more…

2- Runway information
a- Cross Wind & Head Wind values for each runway
b- Type of the Runway (ASP, CON etc)
c- Runway Slope
d- Runway Elevation
e- Runway Length & Width
f- Displaced Threshold

3-Airport Frequencies
4- Airport Map
5- Notes
a- You may store your notes on your local and access them later for future use.
6- Approach Path Calculation
a- You may also enter temperature for corrected Approach Path.
7- Temperature Correction
8- Wind Component Calculation
9- Fuel Uplift Calculation
10- Hour/Minute Calculation for Logbook Summation
11- Miscellaneous Conversions you may need.
12- Drive Mode is just like a simple radio. When you travel from home to airport, you can listen to latest weather information and important forecasts just like you listen ATIS.