CarbonXP – James Raubenheimer

CarbonXP is an app designed to allow you to control your own Climate Change learning experience, or your Carbon Experience. It is developed by Change++, a student organization at Vanderbilt, Nashville.

It is a hub for interactive activities intended to educate and inspire American youth and students on topics that emphasize the interconnectedness between Climate Change and human behavior around the world.

The Carbon Counter is a survey asking basic information on behavior that has an affect on the environment. See how your Carbon Footprint compares to car milage or number of solar panels, for example. Read more about why certain information has such a great impact on Carbon Emissions, or why Carbon emissions even matter in the first place. The activity is not an in-depth analysis of the user’s carbon emissions, but rather an introduction to just some of the key factors that play a role in your carbon footprint.

The WePlanet activity features exclusive video content from the COP event in December of 2019 put on by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Scroll around a globe, choosing from 40 available markers, to hear speakers from countries around the world answering the question “What should American youth know about Climate Change”

If you have any feedback or are interested in contributing, contact Dr. Leah A. Dundon at or Ethan Shifrin at