Play the popular Moroccan card game Ronda against 1, 2 or 3 other CPU players
UI is local Arabic only so far.
Deck of 40 cards (Spanish flavor used in Morocco)
10 cards of each of the 4 colors : gold, cups, swords and clubs, numbered from 1 to 12 ( no 8 or 9 card )
Rules :
– starting player is random, players throw cards from right to left after the starting one.
– Each player for himself (team play to come in future versions eventually)
– 4 cards are drawn on the table at match begin and 3 cards are distributed at each round to each player.
– if player has the same card number as one on the table he can win it and the ones immediately following if possible combo.
– player throws any other card in hand otherwise.
– at each hand, announces can be made : tringa (ترينكا : triplet of the same number) or ronda (روندا : couple of the same cards).
– tringa announce wins 5 points + points of any other ronda or weaker tringa announced
– ronda wins 1 point + points from any other weaker rondas announced.
– if same strongest ronda happens, points are split between two strongest ( 1 point to each player in 2 or 3 matches, 2 points each in 4 players matches)
– missa : (ميسا) from the spanish word ‘mesa’ (table) : when a player clears all cards from table : gives one point. (not applicable in last round)
– ka’a : (قاعة) at match end some cards may still be on the table, latest player to win cards brings also the remaining ones home.
– b wahed, khamssa, achra : (بواحد خمسة عشرة) : wins respectively 1-5-10 points. when a player throws a card on the table without series possible, and the player right after throws the same card. it can be chained 3 times in a row. the player ending the chain wins either 1,5 or 10 points.
– at match end, points are scored for cards won after a certain threshold :
* 2 players : after 20 cards won, each card is a point.
* 3 players : after 13 th card won
* 4 players : after 10 th card won
Stay tuned for future updates.
Have fun !