TripStitch – Taggrr LLC

TripStitch is a full-service iOS application that integrates with Chrome and Gmail to make planning your next adventure easy.

PLAN: Trying to plan a trip with friends? Invite your travel buddy to collaborate with you on TripStitch. Use our Chrome and Gmail extensions to tag flights, places to stay, and confirmation emails so you can view everything in one place.

EXPLORE: Once you’ve got your itinerary set (or half set), hop on that plane, bus, or hot air balloon and get exploring! You can always reference your itinerary offline for those important details like dates, addresses, and confirmation numbers so no need to find the nearest coffee shop or restaurant with WiFi.

SHARE: Match your favorite experiences on your itinerary with your best photos so that other users can like, share, and have the same awesome adventure. After posting, you can scroll through your friends trips and get started planning for your next adventure!