Taskonomy Task Manager – Sahil Arora


Taskonomy is a task and project management app build with the aim of making everyone productive.

Key features of taskonomy:
• See which tasks are to be done on the date in “Inbox”.
• Add tasks to “Today” to see which tasks are to be done today.
Incomplete tasks will be added automatically to the next day.
• Add members to your project by sharing invitation link and collaborate
on tasks with others.
• Prioritise your tasks by setting priority high, medium and low.
• Add to-dos to task mentioning prerequisites or what has been
achieved to track the state of task.
• Use note section to add description, synopsis, location or anything else
related to the task.
• Add deadlines to the task by setting due dates.
• Add start date to the task which will be added to the inbox section on
start date.
• Add comments to your task state update, share important links or
discuss about any update.

Visit our website https://taskonomyapp.com

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Terms Of Use – https://taskonomyapp.com/terms.html
Privacy – https://taskonomyapp.com/privacy.html