Revenue Receipts Tracker – Office of the Revenue Commissioners (Ireland)

Revenue Receipts Tracker is a free mobile app provided by Revenue, Ireland’s tax and customs authority, to help you manage your receipts and expenses in support of your claim for tax credits and reliefs.
From 1 October 2020 you will also be able to record your receipts for the Stay and Spend tax credit. You will be able to record receipts for holiday accommodation and/or food services (excluding alcohol) from businesses that are registered for the Stay and Spend scheme. Details of the businesses registered for the scheme will be available on The Stay and Spend tax credit will apply to qualifying purchases between 1 October 2020 and 30 April 2021.
The app also allows easy access to record and manage your receipts and expenses relating to:
• health
• rental
• trade
• other receipts such as tuition fees and to upload documents in support of claims for tax credits or reliefs.
If you choose to save the receipt details and images to Revenue storage and you are satisfied that the images are clear, readable and complete, you do not need to keep the original receipt. If you choose not to save your receipts data and receipts to Revenue storage you must keep your original receipts for six years. You may be contacted by Revenue to provide your receipts if your claim or return is selected for compliance checks.
The receipts data you have recorded using Revenue Receipts Tracker and saved to Revenue storage will also appear on your Form 11 or income tax return if you have chosen to save to Revenue storage. This will help you when you are completing your income tax return and claiming tax relief on your qualifying accommodation and or food services, health expenses or in relation to your trade or rental property.