Paloma Selection – Osell DinoDirect China Limited

Paloma Selection,
Paloma Selection is an information platform to select the best quality products for the global SMEs and consumers, and also a software to share global product which can be trusted by millions of international traders.
[massive products] Real-time updates of global commodities are available;
[Trade Match] Customers come to visit and chat with endless business opportunities;
[Happy activity] Abundant daily mission, such as treasure chest, entertainment quiz and so on;
[Share to make money] Read the comments and forward to get the reward immediately;
Where is the reward from?
1,view product ad + X Silk (you will get X Silk while you viewed one ad. You can view X ad daily only)
2,share and forward +X Silk (You will get X Silk while you shared the ad)
3,Quality review +X Silk (you will get X Silk while you give a classic review to a product and get it. We will give you a maximum of X Silk rewards by word count.)