Mindfulness In Action – Anneke Barnard

MindfulnessInAction engages with individuals and groups to promote the practice of mindfulness as a transformational process in health, relationships, education and the culture of organisations.

The MindfulnessInAction app is designed for both beginners to mindfulness or those with a more established practice. The contains for now two Mindfulness Packs, namely:

1. 21-Day Challenge – Short practices designed for those with busy schedules.

2. Mindfulness-Based-Stress-Reduction (MBSR) guided recordings: Longer, more intensive practices forming part of the MBSR curriculum.

Some of the app features:
– A configurable Mindfulness Bell to remind you to get in the moment.
– Reminders to guide you through the Mindfulness Packs.
– A practice log to keep track of your progress.
– An introductory video by the creator of the app to provide you with guidance and to set you up for success.