CheckMaths – Quiz – Carlos Riperton

A very ,simple and amazing app to test maths capabilities .There are 4 levels of quiz – level1, level2, level3, level4.

Level 1 is already unlocked but other levels like level2, level 3, level 4 are locked.

In this app, user will be provided different maths related questions and with each question there will be four options.

User will have to select the correct answer.If the answer selected by the user will be correct ,it will be marked as correct and if the answer chosen by user will be incorrect the answer will be marked as incorrect.

If the total score scored in level 1 will be more than 10 then level 2 will be unlocked for user .

If the total score scored in level 2 will be more than 10 then level 3 will be unlocked for user .

If the total score scored in level 3 will be more than 10 then level 4 will be unlocked for user .

Download the app and check your or other maths capabilities .