Captain Spider Hero Flying – Jpseph Rader

Why are Ratings and Reviews Important?
Everything is simple:
applications rated below 3.5 stars rise to TOP rarely
the better rating brings more purchases and installs
rating is the first thing people pay attention to
when choosing, the potential users are more likely to install an application with the best rating
people always read reviews before buying an app
in 85% of cases people read reviews before installing an application
the app rating is an obvious indicator of the users’ attitude to your app and company in general
Promote your application with incentive keyword installs. We work worldwide providing installs from 155 regions
Join us on Aso Master ( live:.cid.6306bf897c7485a7 ) 。best regards!web:
Decide where you want to be. If you’re launching an app for Android, don’t try to submit your app to every store. Centralize your user base and focus your promotions to drive all potential users to one store. This will allow your app to get higher ratings, higher ranking and more visibility. Also, fewer distribution channels makes it easier to update and track. Start with an official smartphone market, then expand to others once you start to build awareness.