御剑九天-经典修仙回合制手游 – rementuijianbang youxi


====== Game summary ======
Wanshi lonely immortal reincarnation of this world war magic magic three realm who can match with me!
2017 peak of the immortal card card hand tour giant debut! Oops, flash dead me ~ ~ ~
Sister more than people set up ultra-beautiful easy to let you put it down!
Registered to send thousands of miles of luxury to upgrade there is a bonus gift to participate in the award can not stop down!
Easy game finger king! Wonderful Journey into the palm of your hand!

====== Plot introduction ======
Chaos beginning to open, the world three circles. Jade Emperor ruled the heavenly court, Shang Zhou ruled the world and the goddess of the demon world in the prehistoric world in the formation of the utmost
Potential. But the days are too long, we are idle “egg pain”, heaven and demon world in order to obtain the right to control the human world and launched a number of earth-shattering
The tragic war. That day the demon emperor Kong Kong carrying eight hundred thousand of the people to kill the heaven, after the tragic fight, the final heaven unified world, and Yaozu defeated the end.
Demon emperor Kong Xuan died, but with the last breath of the “life since ancient times who have no death, death also pull you die” idea. Shattered Once upon a time
Treasure —– mixed yuan Qiankun tripod You as a hero of the war, was specially ordered to find heaven treasures, to save the three circles of life … …

====== featured play ======
The game combines the traditional turn-based game classic play, pet development, a copy of the level, contest competition, all can make you meet. But also in this base
On the basis of a large number of innovative design, joined the fresh Q version of the screen, rich play, close friends interaction, intense copy of the war, like a dream
Of the adventure system, will bring the old and new turn-based players the ultimate experience!

====== Contact us ======
Player exchange group: 190198582
Lord: 3440026336