Connect with local professionals for any project on your to-do list with Thumbtack. Get prices, read reviews, message pros, and hire your favorite directly from the app. Instead of spending hours researching businesses and calling around for estimates, Thumbtack does the work for you. Find contractors, cleaners, wedding photographers, and much more. Thumbtack makes it easy to find the right people for any project and get a great professional service. Here’s how it works: • Select the services you need (or chores you want covered). Also, Thumbtack makes it easy to message back and forth right in the app. Thinking about a kitchen or home remodel? Got a construction project that’s stalled? Looking for a moving company? With almost 1,000 different types of talented service professionals in our network, you’ll be able to find the right person for all of your projects. • Home Improvement: Cleaning Crews to Builders to Plumbing Professionals Looking to hire a pro? Download Thumbtack. Need help using Thumbtack? Go here: http://help.thumbtack.com |